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Richard Periut
Posts: n/a

Curly Sue wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 23:29:39 -0700, "Nexis" > wrote:
>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>Nexis wrote:
>>>>"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
>>>>>What's all the hype about Penzeys? I don't understand the capriciousness
>>>>>of many people here.
>>>> This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years. That

>>>>hardly a whim, my friend. Are you sure you know the meaning of
>>>Main Entry: ca·pri·cious
>>>Pronunciation: k&-'pri-sh&s, -'prE-
>>>Function: adjective
>>>: governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
>>>synonym see INCONSTANT
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ly adverb
>>>- ca·pri·cious·ness noun
>>>Pretty clear to me.

>>Again, a company that people have enjoyed for years. What is unpredictable
>>about it? Where's the whim? What is inconstant?
>>>>>I found them expensive, and excluding the whole spices, the rest of what
>>>>>they sell are blends (and God knows what other crap they include in
>>>>>these,) and pre ground stuff.
>>>>God knows, and so do I, since they clearly state what is in each hand
>>>>blended mixture of spices.
>>>>>I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
>>>>>Latino markets.
>>>>Then do so. I don't recall anyone ordering you to purchase spices from
>>>>Penzeys...did they?
>>>No, but again, I'm interested in finding out what's the hype? Care to
>>>answer the question? If not, then don't answer the post.
>>>>>And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
>>>>>that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
>>>>>casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
>>>>>quality meal.
>>>>A hand blended mix of spices that I would mix anyway is hardly akin to
>>>>canned soup. They are not any less fresh or high quality if they are in

>>>>jar or several.
>>>No, but why pay for blends that IMO are more expensive. Can't follow a
>>>>>Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
>>>>>convince me to think otherwise.
>>>>Why do you want others to convince you?
>>>It's a question that I posed; it's not mandatory.
>>>For me personally, and I'm sure for
>>>>most people out there, I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't give a hoot

>>>>you never purchased a thing from Penzeys. It would be your loss, as far

>>as I
>>>>can tell.
>>>Well good for you, cause I don't give a hoot about the way you handle a
>>>simple polemic with such a combative attitude.

>>Combative? Hardly. I just found it amusing that you expect other people to
>>convince you what to like. Why not go out on a limb, try it and form an
>>opinion on your own?
>>>Perhaps you are an agent for them? But I suspect you just follow the
>>>cause blindly.
>>>Care to buy the Brooklyn bridge? I just remade some of its foundation

>>I wandered into Penzey's when I lived 1/2 block from them. At the time, I
>>was pregnant with my daughter, and had never heard of RFC. Wow, I'd guess
>>that makes me a leader rather than a follower! Cool.

> It appears that he hasn't even tried Penzey's. His negative
> assessment was based solely on perusing the catalog.
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!

To the generals and sergeants of the Penzeys brigade:

I merely asked a question, and had some opinions as well. Let me remind
you that this (USA,) is a country where free speech prevails. If you
felt offended by my comments, I already apologized--it was not my
intention to offend. Otherwise, you have the freedom not to read my
posts. I'm sorry that some of you people have such pathetic frustrated
lives. Thanks for being so friggin counterproductive.

For those (not included in the aforementioned paragraph) that answered
intelligently and with a productive polemic; once again thanks. I am
more open minded about the place, but that doesn't mean I'm totally
loyal to them. I don't trust businesses that much, and have yet to see
one in which you see 100% customer satisfaction. 99.9% may exist, but
not 100%. I take every advice with a grain of salt.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.
