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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default What's the best Kitchenaid mixer????

On Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:34:18 -0500, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>On 12/9/2014 10:12 AM, wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:52:05 -0500, Nancy Young
>> > wrote:
>>> I have wanted one for YEARS and never really could
>>> justify it. Also, where to store it. I'm not a baker.
>>> Blah blah blah.
>>> Well, I'm done dithering.
>>> Is the lift bowl feature something to look for? I'm just
>>> kidding about the Best one, I would like a good one, though.

>> If I was choosing, I'd choose the one with the highest wattage, it's
>> going to be tough enough to handle bread doughs etc without jumping
>> about like a lunatic.

>You're absolutely right. Looking at two models, it struck me right away
>to get the 575 Watt over the 300/whatever. It wasn't that
>much more in the scheme of things. Thanks.

How many times do I have to remind folks that higher wattage doesn't
necessarly mean it produces more usable power (unless used as a hair
dryer), means it costs more to operate. Unless an electric motor also
lists rated Horsepower then highlighting the Wattage alone is just a
sales gimmick. A small appliance with a high wattage rating simply
indicates high inefficiency (most of it's electrical consumption is
used generating heat). The modern KA stand mixers have no
transmission, therefore haven't much shaft torque... they alter speed
via a rheostat, same as a light bulb on a dimmer. Were I wanting a
quality stand mixer I'd look for one that lists rated horsepower and
has a transmission, not one with a higher wattage rating and a fancy
paint job. For 95% of mixing a hand mixer suffices... for kneading
dough for one or two loaves of bread NO machine surpasses human hands.

Stand mixers with larger diameter bowls and no transmission require
more foot pounds of torque so will consume more Watts is all... a six
quart mixing bowl can't contain more bread dough than the average
person can easily knead by hand.