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Default Best ever pork chop

On Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:08:40 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> I've been eating pork chops for years and I like them cooked in a
> variety of ways. Last night we had the best ever pork chops, bar none.
> There was a franchise store called The Meat Store, but it is now an
> independent store in Avon CT called, the Avon Meat Market. I pass by it
> a couple of times a year as it is about 65 miles from me.
> The first time there we bought a few things and I noticed, but did not
> buy Berkshire pork chops. Last week we went by the store and stopped
> again. This time I bought a couple of the chops.
> The chops are about 1" thick, nicely trimmed, just a thin bit of fat. I
> seasoned them with just salt, pepper, garlic. Seared them in a pan and
> finished them in the oven. They were tender, tasty, and well worth the
> $9.99 price per pound. Yes, I'll buy them again!

Jealous! I wish I could buy Berkshire on a regular basis. Several
years ago, I purchased Berkshire from one of the pricier butcher shops
in town (owned by a chef and I see a constant flow of "the trade",
probably caterers when I'm in there). Those were, hands down, the
best pork chops I'd ever cooked, cost me at least $15 lb (if not more)
and they haven't carried Berkshire since.... or at least as far as the
counter people know. They can only tell me what farm raised the pig,
not the breed.

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