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Glenn Jacobs
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Default Stir fry problems

On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 14:38:37 -0800, Brian wrote:
>> I add the aromatics to the slightly smoking oil right at the beginning and
>> fry them for 20 seconds or so, then I add the veges. This is what all
>> recipes I've seen recommend. However by the time veges are cooked (3 - 4
>> minutes later) the garlic and ginger are practically transformed into
>> charcoal. Of course I can add the garlic and ginger later in the process,
>> but then the oil won't have as much flavor. What do you cooks with 30,000
>> btu wok burners do to avoid the charring effects of such high heat? I also
>> notice that my veges sear on the outside, in some cases to the point of
>> having brown spots, yet still be firm-crisp on the inside. This all tells

> me
>> I am cooking at too high a temperature, but I know that Wok cooking calls
>> for even higher temps then I am using. Any tips or suggestions for how to
>> sear the food without creating brown spots on veges and make charcoal from
>> garlic would be highly appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> --Brian

Start with the wok hot. Fry the vegies and arromatics, keeping them moving
almost constantly, when nearly done,then remove them, rarely more than a 1
or 2 minutes. Wipe out the wok, add more oil, put in the meat or seafood
and cook it, moving it constantly, until rearly done, typically 1 or 2
minutes. Add the vegtables, cooked earlier, and any sauce, and thickening
and cook till thick a minute or so.
