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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default Harold's New York Deli, Edison, NJ

Oregonian Haruspex wrote:
> Nancy Young > wrote:
>> On 12/15/2014 6:52 PM, Oregonian Haruspex wrote:
>>> On 2014-12-15 18:56:54 +0000, Nancy Young said:
>>>>> $3 extra for lettuce and tomato on your burger, or $9 for bacon is
>>>>> kinda steep, though.
>>>> I didn't even know they had burgers, but I bet those wouldn't
>>>> serve several people, the bacon would be for the serves 5
>>>> sandwich.
>>> Why is there bacon in a deli? That's a big warning sign right
>>> there.

>> I'm going with it's not a kosher deli. Not all are. At all.
>> nancy

> What do you call a non-Kosher deli?
> A sandwich shop.

Nah, it's just Jewish-influenced, or NY-influenced, or however else
you'd like to describe it. Any place that sells a LEO (lox, eggs, and
onions, others might be known as a lox and onion omlette) is a Jewish
Deli, IMHO. I would have tried it here except that it specified Nova,
which isn't as salty and doesn't have as much flavor, so I decided to

Arties, on Broadway around 82nd, if memory serves, in NYC's Upper West
Side, make a fine LEO. An acquaintance of mine told me that people who
live in the neighborhood call it Overpriced Artie's, and that's true,
but it seems like a downright bargain compared to Harold's.
