On 12/15/14, 2:42 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Sigh. So many of my old "haunts" I remember Menlo Park Mall before
>> they put the roof on it. I moved to the Menlo Park area (Parkwood
>> Gardens behind Roosevelt Park) in 1996 right after I married husband #1.
>> Harold's and Cheesecake Factory didn't exist. We had the Menlo Coach
>> Diner.
> OOPs. That should have been 1966
Thought so. I remember when Menlo Park Mall first opened -- what a mob
Caught my first fish in the lake at Menlo Park in 1951 -- had no idea
what to do with it. Had that little sunny at the tip of the rod,
swinging it like a baseball bat at a tree trunk... 8
-- Larry (from Edison)