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Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
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Default Bodum Ibis v. Philips Electric Kettle?

Hi All!

We're about to get a new electric tea kettle - does anybody have either
the Philips or the Bodum Ibis kettle?

I've read some reviews, and they seem fairly fungible, except that the
Bodum seems to be a bit faster to get to boil - the review I read said
it will boil a full kettle in about 4 minutes; the Philips says simply
"under 6 minutes". Anybody here have any real-world figures?

Also, one review said the Bodum's water window (to see how much water is
in the kettle) was useless, and that the filling door was difficult to

Finally, I know that the Philips has a chime which sounds when the
water boils - but can't find anything indicating whether the Ibis makes
any notifying noise when the water boils. Does anybody know?



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