Sqwertz wrote:
>Sheldon "brags" <cough> about everything he makes, but it's weird how
>we never see or hear about all these things he makes "all the time".
There's no bragging whatsoever, I brag about pussys but I don't brag
about food... I cook and eat very ordinary everyday foods and I post
photos often... if you feel by my posting photos of ordinary cuts of
meat in the same chipped dish on my stinking yellow counter is
bragging then you are majorly insecure... but insecurity is a common
personality flaw of dwarfed minds.
>And if he had a 10lb bag he wouldn't be complaining about the price of
>wild rice.
Mentioning that wild rice is too expensive to waste is not
complaining, it's a statement of fact, but fact is I don't pay for it,
I said it was sent to me by someone I know well.
>He's just bullshitting.
Bullshitting about what, rice... by now you should know better than to
think I'd claim having something in my pantry I can't prove... this is
what I have remaining until the next supply (about 6 lbs), will likely
be 2-3 years yet, I don't use much wild rice, I may not even ask for
more, I'm not all that fond of wild rice, it's not at all flavorful,
it adds a particular texture is all: