On Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:26:57 -0600, Sqwertz >
>On Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:47:21 -0500, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Bullshitting about what, rice... by now you should know better than to
>> think I'd claim having something in my pantry I can't prove... this is
>> what I have remaining until the next supply (about 6 lbs), will likely
>> be 2-3 years yet, I don't use much wild rice, I may not even ask for
>> more, I'm not all that fond of wild rice, it's not at all flavorful,
>> it adds a particular texture is all:
>> http://i57.tinypic.com/2qvuk36.jpg
>That's the shitty cultivated stuff. No wonder you don't like it. I
>just cooked up some of the real wild rice after all this talk and it's
>worlds different than that dark stuff. I didn't even know there were
>two kinds of wild rice until now, but now I'm glad I discovered the
>real stuff. It only costs about 25% more ($5.69 vs $6.99/lb).
They are both real... but you wouldn't know, I don't see your wild
rice, dwarf.