On 2014-12-19 00:39:53 +0000, Brooklyn1 said:
> On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:25:45 -0800 (PST), Nancy2
> > wrote:
>> Barb, with all due respect, "2 cups wild rice, cooked," means (as
>> written) 2 cups of raw
>> Wild rice, then cooked. It is not written correctly, based on the
>> proportions of the other
>> ingredients. It should have been written,"2 cups cooked wild rice."
>> But I guess I am late to the discussion...I was out in my canoe, trying
>> to find some wild
>> rice to harvest. ?
>> N.
> ALL of the recipes in the literature included with my wild rice say
> "UNcooked" wild rice, especially for soups... only recipe that says
> cooked wild rice is for a meat loaf recipe. Schaller is another one
> who has no clue what a comma means, she must have graduated from the
> same *junior* high school as the dwarf.
Hey, at least we graduated. ;-P
www.barbschaller.com, last update April 2013