Thread: into and over
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default into and over

"graham" > wrote in message
> On 21/12/2014 1:59 PM, Janet B wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:04:33 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>> On 21/12/2014 10:24 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> says...
>>>>> The fact remains that since the advent of those gloves in hospitals
>>>>> infections have risen dramatically.
>>>> Though not necessarily because of glove-wearing.
>>>> BITGOD, hospital visiting times were limited, child visits to patients
>>>> were not allowed at all (let alone, romping around on and off the floor
>>>> to patients bed), adult visitors were not allowed to touch let alone
>>>> sit
>>>> on beds, kiss and hug patients, bring in food. Patients wore sterilised
>>>> hospital gowns and stayed IN BED; they didn't wander around socialising
>>>> with other sick people.
>>>> All that has changed. Those old fashioned rules enforced by strict
>>>> matrons, were aimed at minimising infection and cross contamination
>>>> from
>>>> unhygeinic home practise outside the hospital.
>>>> Janet UK
>>> I was in hospital in September for surgery and was appalled at the
>>> fashionable dress code of the nurses. Hoodies and cargo pants! They
>>> looked as if they had just come in from the street! The only nurse who
>>> came close to dressing properly was Kenyan and had obviously come from
>>> an "old-fashioned" stricter regime.
>>> Graham

>> 'Scrubs' now come in a wide array of styles and colors. Was that what
>> they were wearing or were they in street clothes?
>> Janet US

> Street clothes!!! The cleaners were in scrubs!!!!!
> I can't imagine why hoodies are de rigueur, but they are!
> Graham

I know someone who works for a hospital. She does wear the scrubs of her
choice but said they are not required. She said some people just wear
street clothes.