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Falky foo
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My girlfriend got me a "Morphy-something" stainless kettle.. boils very
fast. She's from Scotland and had it shipped over. Only problem is the
damn thing's in liters! It holds '1.7' liters and has little weird markings
up the side.. '6' '8' '10' then '1.7'.. can't figure out what they mean
unless it's something like deciliters.. but who measures stuff in
deciliters? "Hey John, I sure could use 6 deciliters of coffee right about
now.. actually make it 8!" "Deciliters of tequila all around!"


"Anne P. Mitchell, Esq." > wrote in message
> Hi All!
> We're about to get a new electric tea kettle - does anybody have either
> the Philips or the Bodum Ibis kettle?
> I've read some reviews, and they seem fairly fungible, except that the
> Bodum seems to be a bit faster to get to boil - the review I read said
> it will boil a full kettle in about 4 minutes; the Philips says simply
> "under 6 minutes". Anybody here have any real-world figures?
> Also, one review said the Bodum's water window (to see how much water is
> in the kettle) was useless, and that the filling door was difficult to
> open.
> Finally, I know that the Philips has a chime which sounds when the
> water boils - but can't find anything indicating whether the Ibis makes
> any notifying noise when the water boils. Does anybody know?
> Thanks!
> Anne
> --
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