Favorite Warm Spinach Dip Recipes, Please
Cheri wrote:
> "Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> ...
>> OK, so it's my wife's birthday _and_ our youngest got his first
>> college acceptance a few days ago, so we went out to eat at our
>> usual restaurant of celebration, Houston's in River Edge, NJ.
>> Everything there is invariably good - we've never had anything bad,
>> and just about everything is really exceptional.. Expensive, yes,
>> and probably a little over-priced but you go in knowing everything
>> you're going to order is going to be a home run, and that's worth
>> something, and worth going to a few times a year.
> I don't make spinach dip, so can't help there, but congratulations to
> your son! Sounds like you had a good meal.
> Cheri
Because we get a couple of appetizers, I usually have a salad for my
entree, but it's Thai style salad with generous amounts of medium-rare
fillet mignon in it. My wife, who has watched me happily order it the
last few times we've been there, gave in and also ordered the same thing
last night.
And thanks - he got into Fordham, which is a pretty good school, but
he's applying to a something like 10 or 12 different schools so we'll
wait to see who else will have him and about the almight dollar as well
before making a final decision.