into and over
On Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:54:04 -0500, Gary > wrote:
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >
> > Gary wrote:
> > >I just got a gift box of Kansas City Steaks in a styrofoam cooler
> > >delivered with dry ice to keep it very frozen.
> >
> > What is the point of paying those ridiculously high prices for
> > friggin' frozen steak, once frozen it's no longer fresh nor according
> > to the USDA can it be sold as fresh... freezing knocks it down at
> > least one maybe two USDA grades... you'd do much better at any
> > stupidmarket.
> Sheldon! It was a Christmas gift from a friend. I'm not about to
> complain. I've now got 4 12oz sirloin steaks in my freezer.
He can't beat the price either: FREE.
A kitchen without a cook is just a room