Thread: into and over
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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default into and over

On 22/12/2014 9:46 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:13:30 -0700, Janet B >
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:16:51 -0500, Brooklyn1
>> > wrote:
>>> I've seen it at most delis... in fact they remove the gloves, lay them
>>> down on an unclean surface to do something and then put the same used
>>> gloves back on to slice coldcuts. Next time you're at a deli stay
>>> alert and watch, clerks are constantly wiping those gloved hands on
>>> their dirty apron. What's the point of gloves when they are
>>> constantly picking up dirty handled knives and spoons.

>> surely you don't think that you can have sterile food, and if you
>> could, why? Every single can, box, bottle and package you bring home
>> from the store has been handled by someone without gloves. How do you
>> open that cryovac'ed package of cheese without 'contaminating' the
>> contents or your food?
>> What goes on in the kitchen of a restaurant? This argument is all
>> about what you see, not what is real.
>> Janet US

> As far as taking off gloves and reusing them - what a LIAR. They take
> their gloves off when they have finished handling your food and have a
> box of disposable gloves so they can take out new ones for the new
> customer. First he spreads his horsesh*t about "mystery meat" and now
> this? That man is a real head case.

Ah! I can see that you are imbued with the Christmas Spirit!