Unilever drops lawsuit against "Just Mayo"
On 2014-12-23 2:43 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> But those are just bare bones glasses. Might be okay to keep for
>> emergencies but I require Transitions on mine and now that I've tried
>> Crizal lenses, I wouldn't have anything else. I also will never buy
>> cheap frames ever again.
> Don't forget the anti-glare progressive bifocals and whatever. I look
> through them about 16 hours a day so I want the best I can get.
First set of bifocals I got were from a cheap place with what sounded
like a good guarantee. I went back several times because I could not
read with them. Apparently I was doing it wrong. I had to hold things
at the right distance and the right angle. The next pair came from a
private optometrist. They cost more and were far superior. They were
much easier to read with than the cheap pair and I had much better
peripheral correction.