On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 02:42:19 GMT, Mark E > wrote:
>Wine kit: Selection 2003 Hanagan Cabernet Merlot (BC)
>My wine is in the secondary fermentation process which is supposed to
>last approx. 10 days but it has now been 15 days and the wine is still
>fizzing a little at .0991 gravity, 70 degrees F. The gravity 4 days
>ago was .0996 so it's still dropping...
>I have a 2nd batch of wine (Carmenere Malbec) fermenting along side
>this one that finished secondary fermentation at the 10 day mark so I
>don't think it has anything to do with the temperature.
>The directions say that I should wait for the wine to stop fermenting
>before adding the metabisulphite, sorbate & chitosan at the clearing
>stage. It also mentions that if the temperature is too low and the
>wine is still fizzing that it should be put into a warmer environment
>to help finish the fermentation process.
>Should I put the wine into a warmer environment, continue waiting (at
>70F) or go ahead and add the clearing agents?
>Thanks for your help,
I had that very problem on a brewking kit, but the SG was stable...
This is my communication with the company:
Hello Andrew,
Thank you for your contact and for using our products. The activity
might just be outgassing? Due to the slightly longer than normal
fermentation, the wine retains CO2 gas in suspension longer than
Selection kits. It could appear 'foamier' than normal.
Have you taken a few consecutive s.g. readings and has it been stable
..992? If so you can go ahead and stabilize. You will really need to
stir this one vigorously to be sure to remove all the CO2.
Linda Kazakoff
Customer Service
1622 Kebet Way
Port Coquitlam, B.C
Canada V3C 5W9
-----Original Message-----
From: ]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:46 PM
Subject: Form Submission
A Contact form was submitted through the Brewking.com Website. Here
the details of the new contact.
Name: Andrew Rawls
City: Anchorage
Country: United States
Province: Alaska
Sto 0
Store Other: Arctic Brewing Supply, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Request Type: Trouble Shooting
Comments: I started a Limited Edition Cabernet Merlot, I racked it to
secondary at 1.010 on May 3, 2004. The wine is still fermenting
at 0.992, the airlock burps every 90 seconds. The room temperature is
70 degrees F. I usually let Brew King kits ferment until they stop on
their own accord but this one just keeps going. Should I stabalize it
now or wait until it stops fermenting?