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whirled peas whirled peas is offline
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Default Article on food safety

On 12/24/2014 02:30 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...

> So, what did people do before fridges?

My dad said that when he was in college during the depression, he would
keep milk outside on a shaded window ledge.

Also, in some older houses in San Francisco, there is an architectural
feature called a "San Francisco Refrigerator" that consists of a lined
box through an outside wall. Screened on the outside and a simple door
on the inside. Since San Francisco enjoys an eternal spring-like
climate, it was usually cool enough to retard spoilage. In another
approach, the pantry might be placed on an outside wall with a screened
window that could be left open, chilling the entire room.