On 12/25/2014 6:01 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "S Viemeister" > wrote
>> On 12/24/2014 6:55 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "dsi1" > wrote
>>>> On 12/24/2014 12:46 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>>>>>> It's the greatest achievement ever in the history of mankind! :-)
>>>>> Nah my husband can make better coffee for me than any machine ;-)
>>>> Sounds like you're saying that your husband is the greatest
>>>> achievement ever in the history of mankind. Who the heck are you
>>>> married to - Bruce Willis? :-)
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDXkd2NyCCE
>>> My husband is the greatest ... EVER <g>
>> Yours may be good, but mine is the best!
> Sorry ... mine took the first prize ;-)
Joint firsts?