Potato Gnocchi (another Gordon Ramsay how-to)
On Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:35:02 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>Julie Bove wrote:
>> I am
>> cooking 8 pounds of pot roast right now with onions, tomatoes and herbs.
>> And roasting some carrots. I like to cook my roast the day before and then
>> defat it.
>That sounds so very good.
>Tastes better though right from the oven, imo.
>> Angela wants chicken. I will cook that tomorrow.
>WTH is Angela's problem? Cook a nice Christmas dinner and let your
>husband and Angela eat it or make themselves their own dinner. Screw
>this separate menu thing. You sound like you are mentally abused and
>you wimp out to all their desires. Especially with this "husband
>demands dinner right away" nonsense.
>> Will make some
>> potatoes too. Might do those later. No telling if husband will want them
>> or not but if so they had better be ready.
>"they had better be ready?" Really? **** him and his dinner
>immediately on demand. Stand your ground, Julie. These stories are
>just wrong. If you were my daughter telling me this I would get in my
>car and drive across the state right now to kick her husband in the
Thank you for saying this, Gary. I'm pretty sure 95% of us here would
like to tell Julie the same thing, but we're biting our tongues.