Thread: Ping: Jill
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

> wrote in message
On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 1:55:16 AM UTC-6, Julie Bove the ****tard
> Remember how you said that my Pik Nik onions were not touted as snacks?
> Well... Just lookie what I found! And from the link that *you* provided,
> too!
> Read what it says there. On the Pik Nik can. You have have to use the
> arrows on the right or left to find it. "Great for casseroles and snacks".
> Yep. Says it right there on the pretty green can.

Have you let your prescriptions for bi-polar run out or are you overdosing?
We all know ALL your posts are about YOU but why did you hijack this thread
to post about some stupidity that is not even relative to this subject??


I didn't hijack any thread. I started this one. It is for Jill. To show
her that she was wrong! She was making fun of me for buying this product
for a snack and said specifically that it isn't touted as a snack. And yet
it is. Right on the can.

What's your problem?