Ping: Jill
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Ping: Jill <retry>
In article >,
> I still haven't found a whole shoulder roast (the lamb equivalent of
> pork butt), but I hope they become more available. I think I'll ask
> the butcher next time I'm in and see if I can buy one whole. I've
> seen recipes that use a (boned) shoulder roast whole that I'm
> interested in - but of course their lamb shoulder came from la-tee-da
> from a stand alone butcher shop or the grower instead of a grocery
> store butcher counter. I know I can ask at the butcher counter for
> cuts I don't see in the case, so I'll do that the next time I'm over
> there.
If you order a shoulder roast of lamb I recommend you ask the butcher
to bone and roll it for you. It keeps the meat moister; and if the bone
is left in, a shoulder blade is not the easiest thing to carve round.
Janet UK
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