"Craig Watts" > wrote in message
> In my own humble opinion If the pepers are red it is to late to can
> them. I do mine green. Take a needle and some light fishing line to
> the red peppers and air dry them. They will make some great pizza
> pepper when ground or crushed.
> Cayanee green I do in straight cidar vinegar. Banana peppers we do in
> a 50/50 white vinigar/water/salt(pinch).
> Hope this helps.
> Craig
> BTW- no fridge needed for the above till opened.
I just canned my banana peppers using 50/50 vinegar/water solution and
treated them in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. When I took the jars out
of the hot water, I noticed that the peppers (whole) floated to the top.
Some are submerged under the vinegar/water solution, but others aren't.
Prior to adding the vinegar/water solution, I made sure the peppers were
packed tight, but for some reason, they still floated to the top after the
water bath treatment.
My question is: what will happen to the exposed peppers? Should I keep the
jars in the fridge in case the peppers will go bad?
Thanks for any advice,