The End of the Year Assessment Shopping
On 1/2/2015 2:11 AM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2015 19:14:38 -0600, heyjoe >
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:45:58 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>>> The fact that it's an assessment makes it sound easy. Take the Club and
>>> the assessment out of the equation for a moment.
>> I HATE property taxes, but they're predictable and budgetable. Haven't
>> had an egregious surprise for a long time.
>> Call it whatever you want - assesment, tax, mad money. Fact is, you're
>> forced to spend $15-$16 every week of the year. Like any budget, deal
>> with it every week. There's no excuse for a BIG surprise at year end.
>> An assessment of $850 per year is annoying - but not a show stopper.
>> It's $15-$16 every week! Get the best value you can every week (or two
>> weeks), but DON'T fall off your spending plan.
>> And complain LOUDLY when those a$$hats fail to provide quality product
>> each and every week.
>> Out of the box thought - the Association needs to speed up year end
>> sales to once every quarter. Why is the Assocaition tying up money in
>> under-selling wine for an entire year? That's our money! And it needs
>> work better/harder.
That, I agree with. I will suggest they do that and see what happens in
> She has already made it abundantly clear that they don't care what
> anybody thinks, even when faced with a lawsuit.
Just got an email the other day about a lawsuit they "settled" (no
admission of any wrongdoing) even though it was dismissed by one judge
after another. The plaintiffs kept appealing. Dataw finally got tired
of dealing with it. The court-approved settlement (to be split among
multiple plaintiffs) was only $150,000. I doubt that covered the cost
attorney fees.
> Happy New Year, Joe. Hope you drop in more often in 2015.
Same here!