On 1/2/2015 4:07 PM, Becca EmaNymton wrote:
> On 1/2/2015 2:48 PM, Kalmia wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 1, 2015 6:59:51 PM UTC-5, Nancy2 wrote:
>>> The"magic" thawing sheets I believe are just aluminum...just put
>>> the item on an upturned aluminum pan to thaw.
>> How is it that aluminum thaws frozen food faster than just a sit on
>> the counter? Has this been scientifically tested?
> One of my children showed me this when he was in the 5th grade. Invert
> an aluminum baking sheet, put an ice cube on the baking sheet and place
> one on the counter. In a matter of minutes, you find a puddle of water
> around the ice on the baking sheet, while the ice on the counter remains
> visibly unchanged. Fascinating.
> Becca
Very cool! er, you know what I mean.