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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default don't repeat my stupid maneuver ...and a resolution

On 1/2/2015 4:07 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/2/2015 3:48 PM, Kalmia wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 1, 2015 6:59:51 PM UTC-5, Nancy2 wrote:
>>> The"magic" thawing sheets I believe are just aluminum...just put the
>>> item on an upturned aluminum pan to
>>> thaw.

>> How is it that aluminum thaws frozen food faster than just a sit on
>> the counter? Has this been scientifically tested?

> Aluminum transfers heat energy faster than most typical counter
> materials like Formica, Corian, and the like. Also much faster than air.
> The more surface contact the better too; that is why submerging in water
> works so well.

I often do a quick-thaw in *cold* water. I don't generally start
cooking dinner until around 6:00. If I decide what to take out of the
freezer after noon (or even 3:00, as the OP suggested), the submerge in
cold water trick works quickly enough.
