"George" > wrote in
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Preface: I don't have access to free-range eggs. There are no
>> farmer's co-ops or anything like that near me and I've never seen
>> them in the
> grocery
>> stores near me.
>> I went to buy some large eggs. I always open the carton to make sure
>> they aren't cracked or broken. I noticed in every single instance,
>> random checking of the cartons, all the *large* eggs appear to be
>> quite a bit smaller than usual. Has anyone else run across this?
>> Any idea why?
>> Jill
>> --
>> I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.
> I have noticed that the egg cartons always have a net weight noted.
> It seems eggs are sold by weight (eg, large eggs must weigh at least
> 24ozs/dozen according to USDA) and not size.
> http://www.ams.usda.gov/poultry/pdfs/AMS-EggSt-1995.pdf
> I wonder if eggs are denser (thus smaller) in hot weather?
Good point, George. That might very well be it.
Wayne in Phoenix
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.