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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>>> I went to buy some large eggs. I always open the carton to make sure
>>> they aren't cracked or broken. I noticed in every single instance,
>>> random checking of the cartons, all the *large* eggs appear to be
>>> quite a bit smaller than usual. Has anyone else run across this?
>>> Any idea why?
>>> Jill
>>> --
>>> I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.

>> I have noticed that the egg cartons always have a net weight noted.
>> It seems eggs are sold by weight (eg, large eggs must weigh at least
>> 24ozs/dozen according to USDA) and not size.
>> I wonder if eggs are denser (thus smaller) in hot weather?

You guys are too nice! I found the same thing and I just assumed that some
customer wanted some larger eggs, so switched some of the eggs into a medium
sized egg carton and paid the lesser price! (Hanging head in shame for being
so suspicious)