Dinner 1/3/2015
On 1/4/2015 3:14 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sat, 3 Jan 2015 22:13:16 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Right. And then the food intolerances changed. Now I can't have
>>> potatoes,
>>> corn, barley, chickpeas, walnuts, basil and probably a few other
>>> things that
>>> escape my mind as I don't eat enough of them for me to remember.
>> Halle-Julia!
>> You should have your own iPhone and Android App updated in real-time.
>> We could download it from the LoonetyTunes store so we'd always be up
>> to date on your food intolerances.
> Since I don't have an Android, that wouldn't work. And I don't expect
> anyone here to keep up with them but neither do I expect them to torment
> me because of them. Especially when one of those people is currently
> having stomach issues herself!
My "stomach issues" (not what it is) don't include a 10 page list of
things I won't eat. I'm simply not hungry much of the time. Big