Thread: Goat Roti 2002
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Default Goat Roti 2002

What a wonderful surprise today at Costco, $13.89 for a full bodied.
scrumptious wine with a nice tannic finish. We ate it with the de rigeur
rotisserie chicken from Costco, but it could easily do duty with a rack of
lamb. Unless I find this cheaper elsewhere it has moved up on my scaleto
buy all you can, now.

I like Rhone wine, but can't usually really afford (or want to afford as I
could a few years ago when a local store was closing out 1990 Hermitage and
I was buying everything in sight) a steady diet of the better northerns but
this wine is one clone that stands out in its own right. (normally I drink
Rhone clones and immediately go backto the real thing, here the clone is
the real deal)

Goat Roti oh yeah Baby!