Thread: Train Food
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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Train Food

In article >,
> On 1/4/2015 7:29 PM, Janet wrote:
> >
> > I'm sure you're joking but that's a really bad idea on long flights;
> > alcohol worsens flight dehydration (which raises the risk of DVT's) .
> > Very often when people feel "jetlagged " after a long flight, the
> > symptoms are really just dehydration from the cabin air conditioning and
> > all that free booze. Better to drink lots of water :-)
> >
> > Janet UK

> Also, get up and walk around frequently. I take an aspirin for a couple
> of days before a long flight as it acts like a blood thinner.

We both also now wear support stockings throughout longhaul flights.
Those, the asprins, the water, the no booze, moving around, and leg
excercises in the seat at least every hour, are all anti-DVT nags from
our Dr son.

> Am I going overboard? Perhaps, but after a cross country and
> transatlantic flight, my brother died in Morocco from a DVT. He traveled
> the world over the years and this was to be his last trip before retiring.

No you're not going overboard, at our age A lot of Brits and European
peers, do a lot of longhaul flight travel, (12 hours plus) and I know so
many who acquired a DVT it's made us very careful not to do the same.

Janet UK