Dollar Tree Oven Mitt Warning!
On Wed, 07 Jan 2015 13:22:23 -0700, Janet B >
>toss the celery hearts in the freezer (before they go bad) for when
>you want to make soup. I have a bag of celery, onion and carrot in
>the freezer at all times. I also have chicken bones and pieces in a
>separate bag. Soup or broth is just a little time away. I know
>Sheldon thinks that I live like war-time rationing, but I don't throw
>any of that stuff away. If it looks like I won't get to the bell
>peppers in time I dice them, put them on a cookie sheet until frozen
>and then bag them. I use them for soups, stews, egg dishes, potato
>dishes. Same thing for green onions, parsley, cilantro.
>Janet US
You, Jacques Pepin and me.