Golem_Head wrote:
> "Craig Watts" > wrote in message
> ...
>>>>My question is: what will happen to the exposed peppers? Should I keep
> the
>>>>jars in the fridge in case the peppers will go bad?
>>>>Thanks for any advice,
>>>Not to worry. What you did was kill the bad guys in the air space by
>>>BWB. They should keep just find. BWB kills molds at 220 degrees.
>>>That's the only worry with what you have packed. Acidity takes care of
>>>the rest. Put 'em on the shelf and enjoy.
>>Hold the phone. I just though about my reply and needed to add more.
>>We pack our jars then BOIL the 50/50 mix. Then pour over the packed
>>jars. Did you boil the vinigar first?
> Yep. I boiled the vinegar/water/salt solution before pouring it over the
> peppers.
>>When canning the processing time is used to calculate the time needed
>>to bring the entire contents up to x' degrees. It's like saying can
>>you boil water in ten minutes? A quart yes, 3 gallons -no. So the
>>question is did you get the entire contents up to a safe number. Did
>>you did this by pre boiling vinigar mix or BTWing for a lenght of
> Here's the order of what I did:
> 1) Boil the jars for 10 minutes - this was a hard, rolling boil.
> 2) Boil the vinegar/water/salt solution for about 1 minute.
> 3) Pack *HOT* jars with peppers (OUCH!).
> 4) Pour hot vinegar over peppers.
> 5) Add 1 TBS olive oil to each jar (the recipe called for it??)
> 6) Seal jars with lids that have been soaked in boiling water for 10
> minutes.
> 7) Process sealed jars in BWB for 10 minutes - again, this was a hard boil.
> It's been a few hours since I canned the peppers, and I noticed that some of
> the peppers sank to the bottom. There's an obvious layer of oil/vinegar (to
> be expected), and some of the pepper tips are poking through the upper oil
> layer. I'm worried about those tips going bad. I'm new to canning and would
> rather minimize the risk of making my family ill with my high-school biology
> experiements =)
>>Personally you are practising iin a very safe environment. Vinigar and
>>peppers are an easy combo not to get the bad guys and get sick.
> Thanks Craig for your feedback - I guess all that's left to do is pray that
> the microbe gods will spare my poor peppers =)
> Cheers,
> GH
Next time, slit the peppers a couple of times, so the brine can get
inside. Or cut them in half lengthwise, or slice them. The peppers are
floating because they are hollow and have air trapped inside.
The ones that are not covered with liquid will get soft and discolor a
lot faster than the one that are submerged, but they shouldn't really spoil.
Store the jars upside-down for a week to submerge the peppers at the top
of the jars (to make sure they get pickled). Turn them back upright to
store so the ones at the bottom get their turn.