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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default My old website round two!

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 5:38:09 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> This will be my last posting on this. I have wasted hours of my time on
> this and I am fed up. I did contact Frontier. All I got there was bounced
> back and forth from chat to chat with each department telling me that
> another department was in charge of that. And the last person I spoke to?
> He told me that I do not *have* a website with them! Just like I said!
> So... Now I have had to contact my bro. Whether he can do anything or not
> I do not know. Maybe someone is messing with me here? I do not know. At
> this point I am just about to the point of being livid over this whole thing
> and once again, I would urge anyone here not to click on the link that Bryan
> posted.
> I can not give you any more information. None of this makes sense. It does
> not even make sense to Frontier. I assume that my bro will contact me later
> on this and whatever he tells me will most likely just stay between the two
> of us unless something really is fishy and then I will report that back.
> I can not say anything more about this matter and again, I will not speak of
> it again here unless he determines that there is something fishy.
> So you can have your opinions or whatever, I just simply do not care. I
> have certainly wasted far too much time on this nonsense!

It certainly sounds like you're wasting your time - and plenty of it! I would have just told Frontier that some creep is cyber-bullying your under-aged minor daughter by posting pictures of her. Tell them that as her parent, you're requesting that they remove those pictures. What the heck are they going to do, say "no?" I don't think so.