Bob wrote:
> Jim replied:
>>>2. Sending it back is a good way to ensure that the next time it emerges
>>>from the kitchen it will have a load of phlegm enclosed.
>>Typical troll bs. You've never watched their return process have you,
>>clown? In my personal experience AND observation, the manager simply
>>requests another new taco and the other gets trashed. And that is what I
>>have seen/experienced in a half dozen Rubio's units. Next time in, I'll
>>ask a couple of the managers about this. In a high volume place, it
>>takes far too long to pull a taco in, grab a fresh tortilla and dump the
>>fixings from one to the other. They just do another from scratch.
> I didn't mean to imply that they would unwrap the tortilla, heat it up, and
> use it to wrap the filling again. I'm sure they would make another taco.
> But there's no need for name-calling. You said I should have sent it back. I
> told you why I didn't. If you don't like my answer, that's too bad, but
> there's no reason to attack me for providing you with the facts of the
> matter.
> I told you that I got a cold tortilla at Rubio's. I also said it wasn't a
> big deal. But you decided to escalate this issue, wildly ranting as if there
> was no POSSIBLE way that I could have gotten a cold tortilla, and that I
> should have wasted another half-hour of my life in returning the taco and
> getting another one. Whether you like/believe it or not, many people
> working in food preparation jobs DO resent it when you return food, and
> there IS a good chance that your food will be tainted if you prevail upon
> them to fix what they messed up.
> What's your problem?
> Bob
Your problem is the bs you wrote. When food is turned back, the manager
orders one up, no explanation to the cooks. The cooks haven't a clue if
it was dropped, was the wrong order or anything else.
The phlegm part is bs, period, and you are trolling with it, period.
Name fits, wear it like a man or whine about it like a child.
BTW, last evening at the Rubio's on East H in Chula Vista, the manager
confirmed my observation and experience.