>From: "Dimitri"
>Wow Maple Citrus - got a recipe?
Not really. I guess I was thinking along the lines of creating a basting
mixture with maple syrup, reduced stock, fresh citrus rind and some nice boozy
flavoring...maybe some carmelized shallots and a bouqet garni to start with.
Then just glazing the turkey with the mixture during the last hour.
>As far as the onions and celery are concerned - They're OK I was just
>wondering about different things maybe leeks and anise root or celery root.
>I don't know.
You might consider some porcini mushrooms in your mix...dunno about going too
exotic with anise, though some shaved celeriac sautee'd in butter would add
some exotica...lol.
One thing I've learned from the in house chef, is to create perfect
individually prepared ingredients before adding them to a collective mix. And
then add them in amounts as to not overwhelm the final dish. Seems to work for
him as I can't resist anything he cooks.