Jim wrote:
> Your problem is the bs you wrote. When food is turned back, the manager
> orders one up, no explanation to the cooks. The cooks haven't a clue if
> it was dropped, was the wrong order or anything else.
What a benighted moron you are! If a cook screws up an order, a manager
routinely tells the cook about it. How else are they supposed to make sure
the cook gets it right? It's called TRAINING.
> The phlegm part is bs, period, and you are trolling with it, period.
> Name fits, wear it like a man or whine about it like a child.
Here, look at this:
(Look under the headline "Would You Like Phlegm With That?"
Also see:
The phlegm part is true, period. It's even been caught on video and
televised (on Fox, I think). Now you can admit that you were wrong like an
adult or continue to deny reality like a retard.
> BTW, last evening at the Rubio's on East H in Chula Vista, the manager
> confirmed my observation and experience.
Oh, well, if the MANAGER confirmed it, then it must be IMPOSSIBLE for it
ever to occur. Are you really stupid enough to believe that a manager would
say, "Oh yes, my employees spit in food all the time"? (Come to think of it,
maybe you ARE that stupid. Your previous correspondence in this thread
doesn't inspire confidence in your intellect.) Furthermore, does the manager
know EVERYTHING which transpires in his restaurant? I strongly doubt it!
Oh! Maybe you ARE a Rubio's manager; that would explain your ardent and
quixotic defense of Rubio's, while you ignore common sense and common
knowledge. Since there's no way to make you believe what takes place every
day, I'm going to drop this discussion. You're an idiot; I don't want you to
drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.