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On 12-Aug-2004, "NJ Brown" > wrote:

> M&M I have been lurking and read a few of your posts. I was starting to
> think you were in my area in central florida, but after the mosquito
> comment, can't be. I can hardly take it some nights. I hear the fogger every
> once in a while but their mixture must be off.

I'm in Tampa. I haven't even seen a mosquito here in the ten years we've
been here. Back in '68, they were prevalent and they flew the mosquito
bomber down the peninsula ever evening. Now I only detect the local
pickup mounted fogger every once in a while and its output is not
offensive like the old stuff was. I don't know what the difference is. We
have a lot of low standing water around here, but there is no mosquito
problem that I know of. Go figure.
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")

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