Cheri wrote:
>Becca wrote:
>>Cheri wrote:
>>> Nancy2 wrote:
>>>> Shel making meatloaf with five pounds of meat, and making soup in Navy
>>>> quantities just isn't practical for most of us.
I don't cook anywhere near navy quantities at home... aboard ship I
cooked for 400+, at home I cook for one or two and sometimes up to
six. Aboard ship there were no saved left overs, there was no space
to store left overs, there was barely enough space to store
ingredients, any left over food was deep sixed... in fact when we
replanished at sea more than we had room for in the reefers came
aboard on one side and went right into the sea on the other side,
literally TONS of frozen meat fed Neptune... there was only storage
for dried beans, no room for canned... I learned to cook dried beans
because hardly a day passed that beans were not on the menu. I don't
consider a meat loaf made with 5-7 pounds of ground meat navy sized,
I'd prepare meat loaf with 160 pounds of ground beef to feed the crew
(ground beef came in 40 pound cases, frozen). At home I grind my own
meat so it makes sense to cook extra just to save the redundant clean
up let alone all the prep, and running an oven for just enough is kind
of stupid... plus meat loaf freezes very well. And truth is I don't
mind eating the same thing 2-3 days in a row and meat loaf is one of
my favorites so typically there are no left overs, but a large meat
loaf gives me a few days of no cooking, having left overs in the
freezer gives me dinner with no cooking... I consider meat loaf
sandwiche for dinner a treat. It's very dumb/low IQ to cook just
enough home made soup for one meal, I won't even discuss that moroon
topic. None of yoose would know where to begin cooking for 400+, let
alone the quantities involved
>>>> For one thing, frozen cooked goods lose texture and
>>>> taste after six months or so, and if one
>>>> is a single or feeding a couple, those quantities would be losing all
>>>> kinds of quality before being consumed.
Bullshit! Today especially most people subsist on frozen foods, when
did yoose last peruse a stupidmarket, frozen prepared foods/meals is
huge... the vast majority of restaurant foods are frozen foods.
>>>> Many people here enjoy cooking and feel it isn't a waste of time to
>>>> cook anew for each meal, or most
>>>> meals. As a solo diner, if I make enough to have one extra serving
>>>> for a future time suits me and my taste
>>>> buds very well. For another, the cost of having storage space
>>>> (freezers or shelves for home canned goods) for those
>>>> kinds of quantities is prohibitive.
You really should just speak for yourself, I speak for myself, I know
what I cook and I do no embellishing or speak about things I don't
actually cook, I don't really know that many here actually cook. I
simply do not believe many people here do much cooking, in all the
years I've been here I can count on the fingers of one hand how many
who I've actually seen much if any cooking from... anyone can talk
cooking a good meal, SHOW ME... and most of what I've seen is an
>>> All very true, with just the two of us now and being older we don't
>>> really eat that much at all anymore, so I do like to cook just about
>>> every day, not always complicated cooking or anything, but usually
>>> decide the evening before what we'll have the next day. I do like
>>> leftovers, so do make larger batches of soup and things like that to
>>> freeze.
>>> Cheri
>> We have an auxiliary refrigerator and we have a freezer, which is probably
>> too many appliances for just two people. We are trying to figure out which
>> appliance(s) we can live without.
>> I cook breakfast every day, today it was huevos ranchero and I cook lunch
>> and I make snacks, yesterday I made a hot, artichoke dip, so if I can
>> double a dinner recipe and freeze the remainder, I like that. I enjoy
>> cooking, but I often cook several times a day.
>> Becca
>I don't cook breakfast for us as a rule. I'm up very early, so I usually
>have a couple of poached eggs, when he gets up he makes oatmeal for himself.
>I fix lunch and dinner. I like to have leftovers, but not making huge
>portions to freeze anymore much.
Reveille here is 5 AM. The biggest breakfast cooked here is two
slices of toast with jam... and every morning I cook coffee... no
breakfast people here. Tonight's dinner will be skinless boneless
chicken breasts, 4 lbs sliced into cutlets, seasoned and sauted... ten
pieces already cooked and in the fridge, enough for 2-3 meals for two
plus cat treats... not sure about go-with yet, probably some frozen
veggies nuked, or could become chicken parm heros... other than fresh
fruit desserts are rare here. Dinner is made: