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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Cream (of) soups

On 2015-01-16 6:24 PM, wrote:
ter cooking.
>> Not being into mussels I have not cooked them but Google is my friend,
>> and this link about cooking frozen mussels says that any that do no open
>> should be thrown out.

> I can't see logic in that. I frequently cook live mussels THEN it is
> an indication of a dead mussel or even no mussel, just sand within.
> That's because when it hits the steam a live mussel promptly reacts by
> opening up it's shell, so how is a frozen (aka dead mussell) going to
> do that ?

Dang. I can't seem to find my post, but I had meant to link it to the
site. Rest assured, I Googled it and there was a site about cooking
frozen mussels and it said to chuck them if they don't open. I could
look it up again but..... so could you..... search for cooking frozen
mussels. It's not an issue for me. I used to eat mussels occasionally.
I had no squeamish issues about mollusks. They were okay. They were
better with a sauce. The sauce was more important than the mussel. Then
one day I came home and found my wife extremely ill after having eaten
mussels. She was almost as sick as I had been after a bad case of food
poisoning. Seeing her that sick from eating mussels resulted in me
having a distinct lack of interest in eating mussels.