cool whip
On Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:50:51 -0600, Janet Wilder >
> On 1/16/2015 6:42 PM, sf wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone ever made a Cool Whip substitute (using whipping cream,
> > gelatin and cream of tartar) to mix in with more than just fruit and
> > did it work?
> >
> > I found a recipe that calls for it to be mixed in with cream cheese
> > and then frozen, so standing up to freezing is my goal.
> >
> I think you'd need a chemistry lab to replicate Cool Whip :-)
You're probably right. I don't know why the cream of tartar there. I
have no idea what it's supposed to do to or with the cream and
gelatin. If the recipe I saw that used whipped egg whites called for
cream of tartar too, I wouldn't have been surprised - but it didn't.
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