Thread: Meat loaf
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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Meat loaf

On 1/18/2015 7:40 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2015-01-17, jmcquown > wrote:
>> He's mentioned his farming neighbors but he's not exactly a "farmer".
>> He's a guy with a big back yard vegetable garden and lots of grass to mow.

> Which requires lotsa chemicals to maintain. Lawns are unnatural.

Lord knows I'm not a big Sheldon fan, but I know the area where he lives
very well and he has a wonderful piece of property. While it may not be
worth what some imagine, it is valuable land. I also know that Sheldon
buys some the best equipment available and maintains it well.

What you all are calling "lawn" in in fact just a well mowed field which
was probably once a pasture. Keeping it mowed eventually kills off the
taller weeds and lets the shorter grasses thrive. Probably a mixture of
some perennial rye type of grasses. The land in upstate NY is very
fertile and you wouldn't need to fertilize to get a nice looking field.

In spite of his behavior here in this group, Sheldon is a good steward
of the land he owns and the wildlife that lives there.

George L