Thread: Soft chalupa
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whirled peas whirled peas is offline
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Default Soft chalupa

On 01/20/2015 06:41 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> Because I asked him (the owner) what the soft one was. He said it was
> just a flour tortilla. Not fried. Picture this. Big flour tortilla.
> Beans inside. Also lettuce and tomato. Normally there would be other
> stuff too but I have that left out. I do think the tortillas are key
> here. His dad makes them and they are vastly superior to anything I can
> buy. But they are heated somehow and I don't think it is in the oven.

Flour tortillas are made from wheat flour, water or milk, vegetable
shortening, baking powder and salt. That's just about all.

"Frying" doesn't always mean deep-fat frying. Traditionally, tortillas
were cooked on a "comal", or griddle. No oil was used. With a good
balance of shortening and baking soda, you could toast them in a skillet
to be as puffy as you like and still not have them stick.