Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote in
> On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 02:23:27 -0000, Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not>
> arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:
>>2 of my brothers live in Colorado. They drive these enormous SUVs
>>with big clunky tires. I guess they are snow tires. Real deep tread.
>> Brother #3 (in the pecking order. I am #1) drove brother #2's Hummer
>>a couple of weeks ago and is out shopping for one as we speak.
>>Apparently the winters there can be brutal. I only visit during prime
>>ski season. Even then you can get stranded.
> I came to loathe my Range Rover, even in Colorado. Damned thing
> weighed 3 tons and went through brake pads every 6 months and tires
> every 20,000 miles. It was a maintenance nightmare. And a Hummer has
> to be even worse. It's heavier. And winters in most of Colorado are
> fairly benign unless you're at altitude. Even then, there are only a
> few days out of the year that would find you stuck without one of
> these land monsters - and even with 'em. You can't guide even a Hummer
> or Range Rover on ice. Think Rabbit Ear Pass on the way to Steamboat
> Springs...
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA
From what I hear, Hummer owners here in the Phoenix area have nothing but
problems with them. Even if they didn't, I wouldn't have one. It would
be like trying to maneuver an armored tank through residential streets.
It's too bad they've become such a "status" symbol.
Wayne in Phoenix
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.