Thread: Sauerkraut
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Thomas[_4_] Thomas[_4_] is offline
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Default Sauerkraut

On Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 8:57:39 AM UTC-5, James Silverton wrote:
> I've wondered a little about making my own Sauerkraut so as to control
> additions like juniper and caraway seeds. I looked up a recipe by Alton
> Brown and I find the cabbage/salt mixture should stand for about 4
> weeks.

I let it ferment for about 4 weeks. Be sure to use non-iodised salt (kosher works) I use a five gal food safe bucket. Layer the cabbage and salt. Pound the crap out of it at each layer. I use a Nalgene 32 oz full water bottle to pound until liquid soaked. You want the liquid to cover the kraut. You should not need to add any water. You need to cover it. I use Saran wrap with zip lock baggies full of water on top to hold it all down. After the 4 weeks, skim any scum off (hopefully sealed good enough to have little) Also, don't keep it in a cold basement. It will take longer. Been there.
Far better than the best store bought.