Thread: Soft chalupa
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Default Soft chalupa

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:43:20 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> On 2015-01-21 3:27 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >> You would especially not want to go out for Mexican food around here.
> >> There are very few Mexican restaurants around. Those we have are
> >> basically Tex Mex.

> >
> > Just about every Mexican restaurant in the US is actually Tex-Mex.
> > The thing is Mexico is a big country with many cusines, there is no
> > one Mexican food anymore than there is one Italian food or one Chinese
> > food.
> >

> Yet, despite the regional cuisines, Tex Mex seems to be the Mexican food
> being flogged. I can understand it from a marketin point of view. Using
> mostly corn, rice, beans, small amounts of cheap ground meat, there has
> to be room for profit.

Texas belonged to Mexico as did California, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona
+ parts of Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. The Treaty of Guadeloupe
Hidalgo was signed at the end of the Mexican-American war in 1848 and
the land was sold to the United States for $15 million. With the
transfer of land, 800,000 Mexicans living in those areas were given
the rights of U.S. citizens and the two food cultures merged when
gringos moved into the neighborhood. I'm sure Becca and Janet W (and
one or two other posters) will be more than happy to tell you about
all the German food that can be found in Texas.

The Mexican restaurants around here are mainly run by Central
Americans so we have their version of Latin American food being sold
under the banner of "Mexican".

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