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isw isw is offline
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Posts: 899
Default Slow cooker rant and question

I have an older slow cooker by All Clad. It takes a very long time to
reach a stable temperature (hours), especially when it contains a large
amount of liquid. Since some cooking processes don't begin until the
temperature is above 160 or 170 F, there are times you might want to get
there as quickly as possible.

Looking for ways to speed up the heating process, I sent an email to All
Clad asking if I could stick the crock (with liquid) in the microwave,
to heat things up faster.

Here is their response, in full:

"Please respond with the entire REF number (typically 10-15 characters
in length) from the underside of your All Clad appliance, your complete
physical address (no PO box please) and telephone number. *Once we have
that information we will be able to better assist you with your request."

Which is as content-free as the Republican's response to last night's

So the question:

Has anybody tried sticking a slow cooker crock in the microwave?
