On 22/01/2015 7:52 AM, sf wrote:
> Are you the poster with a Thai wife? Does she ever make Bo Kho?
> If she does, is it served with noodles or with rice? TIA
Thais have a version of that. Bo Kho is a Vietnamese dish and, as such,
will use some different spices. I am not particularly fond of the
particular mix of Vietnamese spices they use.
The stuff she makes tends to be more like this with lemongrass for sure.
Generally used on noodles too. These stews she makes tend to be a bit
watery for use on rice.
I had something that looked just like this a few weeks ago;
She quite often makes a Thai version of it. Probably not much different
to the Vietnamese version, slight variation in spices. The beef and the
carrot are prepared almost exactly like that, sometime with the addition
of boiled potato... and, as I said before, on noodles.
The Thai way of eating is with a mix of foods on the table (or floor as
the case may be), each in their own bowl and a pot of steamed or fried
rice. What they do is put some rice on their plate, then pick from
whatever dish they fancy to eat with their rice. In this manner you can
have the stew with (on) rice but you keep the stew and the rice separate
until eating and let the diners pick from the side dishes as is their
desire. As I said, the stew tends to be a bit watery to be preprepared
"on" rice in the same manner as it is in the above pics "on" noodles.
Served separately is Ok and I have had it with rice in those circumstances.