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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Sauerkraut question

Moe DeLoughan wrote:

> Schumacher's Tasty Sauerkraut
> 2 lbs sauerkraut
> 2 tsp caraway seeds
> 1 1/2 tablespoons flour
> 1/3 cup sugar
> 2 tsp chicken base (bouillon concentrate)
> 1 1/4 cup pork stock (may substitute chicken stock)
> Mix together the flour and sugar, toss with the kraut, caraway, and chicken base. Add stock. Heat and serve.

Thanks, that sounds simple enough, not too many ingredients. TMI scares me every time. TMI (too many ingredients) equals TMA (too much aggravation). Here is a recipe I typed out of the newspaper last week. I have never made it and cannot vouch for it, but some of its ingredients are oddly similar to the ones your recipe calls for - even the flour. You might be interested. Thanks, enclosed below is the recipe, and anything appearing in parenthesis is from my own questioning brain.

Sweet and Sour Cabbage

8 slices bacon
1 large head cabbage, cored, shredded
1 quarter cup flour
1 tablespoon caraway seed or more to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 cup white vinegar, or to taste
1/2 cup white sugar, or to taste

Lay two slices bacon across bottom of large pot. Cover with layer of cabbage, shredded. Sprinkle light dusting of flour and pinch of caraway over cabbage layer. Add salt and pepper. Continue layering until all bacon and cabbage are used.

Fill pot with enough water to come about 3/4 up the sides (I guess they mean the sides of the cabbage). Bring to boil and cook about 45 minutes or until cabbage is soft. (Might be wise to lower the heat, 45 minutes seems like a long time).

Let cool slightly, then stir in the vinegar and sugar, gradually, tasting as you go. The idea is to strike a balance between sweet and sour.