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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Sauerkraut question

Nancy2 wrote:

> Tommy Joe, re caraway seeds, I add them before returning the kraut to the fridge, so they are heated
> only when I heat a portion to serve. The seeds are a necessary annoyance for me. 😃

I do not have bad teeth but they are fragile and have been filled and refilled many times since I was a young punk in an institution. Not a lot of tooth left around the filling. Small things like a tomato peel for example can be really annoying. If soaking or pre-boiling the seeds doesn't reduce them to mush, I might as well go with your method. Plus, using them as you do, only when you're ready to eat, I won't waste the whole bunch on an experiment. If I can't handle it it's not the end of the world. I enjoyed the bagged kraut unadorned and mixed with pork broiled separately. So I'll try the caraway but won't stress over it. I like to take some of the broiled pork and mix it with the kraut with some pepper and stick it on a plate with mashed potatoes and some veggies. I even cook brocoli separately and cut it into small pieces and mix it into the mashed taters with a bit of cheddar cheese tossed in. I am a prepper more than a cook and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Some of the stuff I sling together I'm sure a good many people would never suspect the ingredients were made mostly separately. I've used a pot for rice, the broiler for meat, the microwave for spinach - whatever it takes. Sling it together, if it tastes good it's a meal.

Carried away with caraway,